Up-Grades to Dolfins Dream World

There are lots of new items at Dolfins Dream. I am always adding new items trying to make this the best world you can visit. I have added some Mesh clothing items for Men and Women, thanks to a friend. Most of these items are Free!

I have a box in the Mesh area where you may obtain some more mesh items.. I have been trying to keep up with things.

I have just added a new land Humming Birds to my OpenSimWorld account.

avitronlogin.avitron.net:8002:Humming Birds

would love for you to visit. It is a Shopping Center with lots of shops. I have Rentals available for those who wish a spot to sell items with Globits. The shops are free. I am just asking that you have 10 free items for free to give away. Please join the “Hummingsbirds Shops” group, contact me and I will change your title to HB Merchant.

If you need anything from the Kitely online shop. Please feel free to order something. You can always have it sent to your avatar on whatever Grid you wish. Kitely ships items all the time.


some of the items at Kitely online Shop.

Well as always HuGGs to you,

Iris D

OpenSim Fest 2020

I have been doing an OpenSim Fest 2020 showing of some of my items in their world. Tentivity they are to be open August 28-30th. with holding the Grid open for a month..

There is music, vendors from all over and tons of information. Come visit..

The Web page: https://web.opensimfest.org

Location: opensimfest.org:80

My shop location: hop://opensimfest.org:80/OSF Merchants/326/402/27


as always you are more than welcome to visit my Grid as a HG visitor

dolfinsdream.ddns.me:8002/Dolfins Dream Welcome

Escape the self isolation and go visit the Virtual Worlds.

as always,


Iris D

And Life goes on..

Life goes on and this virus still continues.

Thank goodness for all the great and wonder worlds of Oz .. ops I mean HG.. lol.

Dolfins Dream is up and running.. have had a few visitors and love seeing people enjoying my sims.

thanks for showing up. I do have this wordpress page and Facebook page and Discord

till next time


Iris D

Vacation Time..

I will be leaving June 27, 2020 for parts unknown in my little Rialta.. I will be leaving the world up and running . However sometimes it shuts down accidently (power otuage, or normal auto restart).

I will not be able to restart it untill I ruturn in aproxmatily 1-3 weeks..  my plans are to go up to Oregon and visit some family and friends.. 

Thanks for understanding..

Huge HuGGS,

I’ll post again when I get back.

Iris DRialta

And Just like that “Were Back”!!

Well it wasn’t just like that . …. it took a lot of time and effort to get things going.. Thank goodness I had an old file saved. Soo things are back but not like they were.. I have to reset a lot of thing. I have sooo much building to do. Thank goodness my Anawigi’s Garden was saved.

We are Back and open for business.

However there is a catch. My grandson need the internet for school and the grid is kicking him off. soooo we have new hours.

Monday – Thursday

9:45 am to 1:30 pm we will be off grid (grandsons school time)

1:30 pm till 11:00 pm we will be on grid

Thursday – 1:30 pm until Sunday – 11:00 pm we will be on full time

We will have to maintain this schuedle until School is out here..

yep!! but it is necessary.

thanks for understanding.

HuGGs as always

Iris D

Trouble every where and not a drop to spare.. .

I’m still having trouble getting Dolfins Dream World back up after my Modem/router stopped and I got a new setup.. I keep trying. will let you know when I get it back up..

I have tried just about everything with the exception of installing a whole new setup.. i was hoping I could keep my avatar..

I did backup my islands, but did not get to backup my avatar and her items in Inventory.. this makes me a bit upset..

Well, I will keep trying.. keep your fingers crossed for me..

As aslways, HuGGs


Where Are You Spending Your Time?

I have been spending my time in SL for a bit. Getting some very much needed training from Builders Brewery..

You can always find out about classes there by going to :


There are some absolutely wonderful people teaching those classes. You don’t have to be premium to catch a class. Just have to have an avatar there.

The Dreaded C-19

Well, it’s still here. I am lucky as there are not too many in my county. We have only had 2 deaths. (one was on a Cruise). Sooo I am still on Self Isolation and plan to be until things clear up .. I watch the news and each day we seem to get one more case. When the numbers start to go down .. I’ll think about coming out of hibernation.

Stay Safe out there.. untill next time.

HuGGs as always,

Iris D

The Dreaded C-19

I haven’ really said anything about this virus, as I believe we need a good outlet and something to take our minds off of the obvious problems of life. However, I want you to know that I have lost a wonderful Virtual world friend due to it. This is real! We in the Real World need to take it seriously. I may just pass, but some of us may not make it if we contract the virus. Please! Please! Protect yourself and your loved ones..  Don’t take chances…

I see from my computer window lots of kids playing basketball across the street at the playground there… I know they are not from the same family.. Oh yes, they are not touching but they are touching the ball that all of them have touched. I can only pray that they are all alright and don’t contract this horrible virus.

I pray for the whole world that this epidemic ends soon.

So sorry for my rant and raving.. Be safe out there… Your life is important to me.

HuGGs as always,

Iris D

The Grand Opening of “Anawigi’s Garden”

Anawigi was my real-life sister and my Virtual sister. We lived 2,744 miles apart. She had been sick 13 years before her death. She had Breast Cancer. She beat cancer with radiation and chemo and a double mastectomy. Then 3 years before her death cancer returned. She fought hard and long but lost her battle on August 14, 2014. I was there with her.

This garden is open to all those who we love and miss. All those we have lost to cancer, COVID-19, or any reason. I also post those fighting Cancer or COVID-19 or the survivors

Please visit the gardens and leave me a notecard in the mailbox with the “Name, Date & the reason”. This site is a place to remember those we lost a Virtual Memorial for them.

Anawigi’s Garden hop:  dolfinsdream.ddns.me:8002:Anawigi

I have also created one on OSGrid.. location is


Thank you so much.

Huge HuGGS & Stay Safe out there,

Iris D